How to play
2 players from 8 years old, 10 minutes
Squeeze your opponent's pieces to get control of the biggest territory.
- 17 wooden slats : 15 with 2 symbols, and 2 with 3 symbols ; the symbols are used as squares to form the board game. The symbols represent values, from 1 to 6.
- 36 pieces with a dark side and a bright side.
To get the most points with your pieces.
Mix the slats, and place them next to each other to form a rectangle board of 36 squares. The two slats with 3 symbols must be placed at each extremity of the rectangle to create a closed path.
Each player takes 18 pieces, and split them into 3 groups of 6 , beside the board ; one player turns his pieces on the dark side, the other player on the bright side.
Each player in turn, starting with "Dark", places 3 pieces of their color on 3 squares on the board.
- If a piece comes from a group of 6, it must be placed on a square with a symbol 6.
- If a piece comes from a group of 5, it must be placed on a square with a symbol 5.
- If a piece comes from a group of 4, it must be placed on a square with a symbol 4.
- If a piece comes from a group of 3, it must be placed on a square with a symbol 3.
- If a piece comes from a group of 2, it must be placed on a square with a symbol 2.
- If a piece comes from a group of 1, it must be placed on a square with a symbol 1.
So, at their first series of 3 moves, each player has the choice between placing :
- 1 piece from each group of 6 on a squares with a symbol 6
- 1 piece from 2 groups of 6 and 1 piece from a group of 5. The 6 goes on squares with a symbol 6 and the 5 goes a square with a symbol 5
- 1 pieces from a group of 6, 1 piece from a group of 5 and 1 piece from a group of 4, on, one square with a symbol 6, one square with a symbol 5 and one square with a symbol 4.
You control a square that is occupied by a piece of your color.
You lose the control of a square when your piece, or a series of your pieces (that are creating one chain without empty squares), is encircled by 2 pieces of your opponent (pieces must directly close the chain on both extremities).
In that case your piece(s) get(s) captured, and all the pieces that are encircled must be turned on the side of the opponent's color, and be placed along the external side of the board, just beside the square(s) they occupied before ; from that moment, nobody can play on those empty squares.
If a piece is placed on the board in order to be just encircled by 2 pieces of the opponent, they get immediately captured ; one exception : if when you place that piece, one of your pieces is already encircling your opponent piece, or closing a chain of your opponent pieces on one side. In that case, your piece becomes a conqueror, and the opponents piece(s) get captured.
- The game is over when player"Bright" has played his last series of 3 pieces.
- Each player then counts their points, 1 point for each piece of your color (on the board and beside the board). The piece that occupies the golden square counts has 3 points instead of 1.
The player who got most points wins the game.
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